Thursday, October 28, 2010


I spent most of the day today (a Gunma holiday, no school) in Saitama at Costco! As in, American Costco! I gawked at the pumpkin pies from the bakery, the Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa, the Tide detergent, and lost count of how many times my friends and I said, "They've got [fill in the blank]!" It was nice to feel "at home" for a bit. Then I ate a slice of pepperoni pizza and basked in its deliciousness.

Funny how at home, I never ate at McDonald's or KFC, and rarely drank Coke, and was so nice and healthy and organic, and I come to Japan and suddenly regress. I need to work on that, or I'll be a pig in a few months. But tomorrow my friends and I are getting KFC and eating it and watching scary movies for Halloween, so maybe NEXT week I'll start eating better....

I'm also happy because I got a package in the mail full of apple cider and hand lotion and Japanese study books! Time to drink hot apple cider and read some nihongo!

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